Saturday, May 30, 2009

Savitri Era Goldmine

Goldmine May (92) Savitri Era of those who adore, Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.
Self-organisation & rule-following
A titan's strength, a titan's energy
Let him eat Grace
We stand by Heehs in his hour of crisis
Sri Aurobindo: A Contemporary Reader in a new pape...
Psychoanalysis is a thing of the past when it come...
We shall be in the forefront of the nation’s imagi...
Moderation and understatement are virtues
Sandhya Jain should introspect
Radha Rajan recalls Sri Aurobindo
Declaration of the closest and most intimate encou...
Gods are always in demand
BJP's foe is none other than RSS
The tone of a small number of critical comments is...
A craze for correction haunted the grammarians
Innocent indiscretions and self-approval
Joseph K & Joshist dossiers
Perception of an absence where one misses somethin...
Unprecedented vote buying, liquor distribution, & ...
Savitri Era for the scheduled castes
Through life and pain and time and will and death
Satprem's writing style is pretentious and dramati...
The arrow of Savitri Era
Congress is by instinct a left-of-centre party
Deepak is incapable of bringing light to the world...
Because Sri Aurobindo is so satisfying
RSS regression
Elephant and The Life Divine
The Life Divine for a more enduring self-renewal
Modern politics cannot really be separated from re...
Religion and politics are entwined since millennia...
There is a ceiling on how far man can go on his ow...
Double whammy
Vote share vis-à-vis seats won
Temporary workers receive lower pay and fewer bene...
Spurious acolytes
A sigh for SCIY
The Mother & Sri Aurobindo for a post-modern world...
Savitri Era (centre-right) Party
The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are against empty tenta...
A puppet Prime Minister is a body blow to the Indi...
BJP can never shed its stigma of Babri and Best Ba...
Dragging this neglected repository of knowledge sy...
The middle ground barring Sonia, RSS, and the Left...
Devotee’s progress
Conspiracy is not chimera
Museum pieces in crucial executive positions
Mark Edwards is conversant with Sri Aurobindo’s te...
Sri Aurobindo, Bharata bhagya vidhata
A tolerant democratic spirit should be the guiding...
Politics, again, needs to be practiced in the spir...
Bhartṛhari, Heidegger, & Sri Aurobindo
Indian democracy permits Heehs the liberty to writ...
Analysand verbalizes thoughts
New benchmarks of truthfulness
Myths about Indian readers
A thorough overhaul with new persons manning all p...
Heehs has turned a synonym for scholarship
Skewed law of Karma
Vedanta, avatar, & incarnation
Let us open a new chapter
I support the book and its publication in India
The state of society needs to be taken as a given
Ideas won't go to jail
From symbolic & real to sublime & ridiculous
Their last vain attempt to resuscitate a dying fai...
In praise of fundamentalism
Eyeing EU
The Gujarat blot can never be erased
Timely treatise on Social Harmony in India
Silence resorted to hitherto is irresponsible
Eagleton offers his own vibrant account of religio...
Pre-Gandhian Indian revolutionary movement (1893-1...
Never ask Buffett when to invest
Menace of Hindutva-wadis is not mere fiction
Satprem used to worship a small Shiva-lingam
Lately, they gaz'd at da tony
Sraddhalu Ranade’s visits to Cuttack
Party politics is the most meritocratic profession...
Savitra smites
Nitish Kumar is eminently suitable to be the next ...
Ashram turns a hotbed for patronage seeking and cr...
Savitri Era Party calls upon to defeat the hindutv...
Carter Phipps better keep off
Leaders of a loud and potentially disastrous movem...
Angiras is patently partisan. May Kepler deliver
Our horizon spreads beyond one nation
Stripes or spots?
I’m myself not quite happy about Amal’s formulatio...

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Work In The Ashram - General - Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Mirror of Tomorrow :: “India has to reorganise herself”—Submitted by Kittu Reddy

If you make the effort to be interesting, constructive and convincing and can make them know something of the teaching of Sri Aurobindo, it will in any case be useful to you. -The Mother (1971)

The Mother's Message to Matrupuri from MATRUPURI: RISIDA

Our worth lies only in the measure of our effort to exceed ourselves, and to exceed ourselves is to attain the Divine. -The Mother