Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Savitri Era Political Action (Popular Pages)

Savitri Era Political Action: World Union members
Savitri Era Political Action: There is no justification in calling the Mahatma %u2018the Father of the Nation%u2019
Savitri Era Political Action: Only a handful of India's leading citizens, at home or abroad, appears to have taken his words seriously
Savitri Era Political Action: Secularism in India should not mean anti-religiousness
Savitri Era Political Action: Savitri Era Party seems to have the widest sweep & appeal
Savitri Era Political Action: Attainment of full humanity through the cultivation and harmonious development of physical and mental faculties
Savitri Era Political Action: The future India may question us as to why we did not attempt to give it a practical shape
Savitri Era Political Action: Sri Aurobindo provided a "post-modern" commentary on society more than 80 years ago
Savitri Era Political Action: Aster Patel draws out some of the implications of this work ahead of us
Savitri Era Political Action: Lindsey is on to something in his talk of a "libertarian synthesis" combining self-expression and self-restraint
Savitri Era Political Action: A new man, a united new world and a spiritual civilisation
Savitri Era Political Action: We champion limited government, rule of law, free trade, and individual rights
Savitri Era Political Action: The white fire of spirit will rise up some day from the smouldering heaps of discarded religions
Savitri Era Political Action: Both secularist and subalternist histories have contributed to misunderstandings of Sri Aurobindo%u2019s political thoug
Savitri Era Political Action: Community means nothing if it doesn%u2019t mean local. Community is a matter of geography
Savitri Era Political Action: Socialism is not an European idea, it is essentially Asiatic and especially Indian
Savitri Era Political Action: Pluralist Commonwealth

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Work In The Ashram - General - Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Mirror of Tomorrow :: “India has to reorganise herself”—Submitted by Kittu Reddy

If you make the effort to be interesting, constructive and convincing and can make them know something of the teaching of Sri Aurobindo, it will in any case be useful to you. -The Mother (1971)

The Mother's Message to Matrupuri from MATRUPURI: RISIDA

Our worth lies only in the measure of our effort to exceed ourselves, and to exceed ourselves is to attain the Divine. -The Mother