Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Savitri Era Open Forum (Popular Pages)

Savitri Era Open Forum (Popular Pages)
Savitri Era Open Forum: Sri Aurobindo and The Mother's Integral Yoga, and Wilber's Integral Movement, are totally distinct
Savitri Era Open Forum: Darwin, Marx, Nietzsche, Freud, and Sri Aurobindo
Savitri Era Open Forum: The Mother died in 1973. For UG the %u2018calamity%u2019 occurred in 1967
Savitri Era Open Forum: It seemed that he depended heavily on one book of Satprem
Savitri Era Open Forum: If Joseph Campbell was alive today, he would be cheering on Dennett, Dawkins, Harris and Hitchens
Savitri Era Open Forum: Muslim version of the evolution starts out with minerals
Savitri Era Open Forum: A major new study of Herbert Spencer, A stunning revelation
Savitri Era Open Forum: Drinking is a political act. Without alcohol and drinking globalization would be an entirely different thing
Savitri Era Open Forum: Ethical principles such as autonomy, beneficence, and nonmalfeasance and double effect
Savitri Era Open Forum: Marxism failed because there was no proof that the social-economic was the really real
Savitri Era Open Forum: Divine Compassion and unconditional Love
Savitri Era Open Forum: Joseph Vrinte's book constitutes a ground-breaking academic comparison
Savitri Era Open Forum: Human beings throughout many cultures of East and West looked to the stars for their first cosmic maps
Savitri Era Open Forum: What is the relationship between law and morality?

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Work In The Ashram - General - Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Mirror of Tomorrow :: “India has to reorganise herself”—Submitted by Kittu Reddy

If you make the effort to be interesting, constructive and convincing and can make them know something of the teaching of Sri Aurobindo, it will in any case be useful to you. -The Mother (1971)

The Mother's Message to Matrupuri from MATRUPURI: RISIDA

Our worth lies only in the measure of our effort to exceed ourselves, and to exceed ourselves is to attain the Divine. -The Mother